
Our purpose is to be a cohesive voice for better care in our community
We are the voice of the Penticton Regional Hospital medical staff, ensuring that we are heard, supported, and valued. Established in 1976 by local physicians, we represent the medical staff at Penticton Regional including physicians, dental surgeons, midwives, and nurse practitioners. The MSA brings members together in a culture of wellness, celebration, advocacy, learning and innovation.
We are
Members elected by peers to empower medical staff to ensure quality patient care through innovation, learning, wellness, and advocacy.
We serve
A passionate and resourceful medical staff who work in a complex, high stakes environment that is not yet fully optimized for their success.
We want
To ensure that every member can focus on providing quality patient care in a hospital system that clearly needs, values and cares about them.
We will
Maximize member return on involvement by supporting member success, an inclusive community and better innovation.
The future we want to create:
PRH MSA Human Impact Framework

Moving from purpose to impact
Human Impact
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opportunities to belong to a strong and supportive peer community.
opportunities to access benefits, information and friendly support.
opportunities to focus on their own success, health and wellness.
opportunities to celebrate and be recognized for contribution.
opportunities to enhance professional skills, knowledge and qualifications.
opportunities to enhance professional skills, knowledge and qualifications.
opportunities to assume a leadership role in the community
How we maximize return on involvement
Leading our future together
The Penticton Medical Staff Association is governed by a president, vice president, and secretary treasurer as well as the past-president and directors as an integral part of successions planning and sustainability. The MSA Executive represents the medical staff at the Medical Staff Advisory and Executive Committee, towards advancing the involvement and input of staff in all aspects of hospital life. To get in touch with the executive, please email us.
Dr. Danielle Weisgarber MD | President

Dr. Danielle Weisgarber is a full service family physician in Summerland/ Penticton. Her work includes longitudinal practice, inpatient care, long term care, and emergency room coverage. She has an interest in supporting physician and resident wellness in the Okanagan, and has graduated from the GPSC Leadership and Management Development Program in 2021. She is hoping to continue to pursue leadership roles in this community and connect with team members from various areas to support and improve models of sustainable care delivery. When not working, she enjoys biking, painting, and bouncing on the trampoline with her husband and 2 young children.
Dr. Alison Turnquist MD | Vice President

Dr. Alison Turnquist is an Emergency Physician at the Penticton Hospital and the Critical Care Lead for the South Okanagan Family Medicine Residency Program. Her passions include teaching simulation and ultrasound. She is excitable and signs up for everything, which has subsequently given her a diverse background of training and experience. Before making the lifestyle move to the Okanagan, Ali practiced in adult and pediatric emergency medicine departments, was a Code Team Leader, Crisis Incident Debriefer, Certified Wellness Coach, and had academic roles through the Saskatchewan College of Medicine. Now she lives with her partner Sabine on a farm south of Penticton, where they have horses and sometimes accidentally grow hay. In her spare time, Ali competes in Ultimate Frisbee with her touring team from the prairies and loves to travel.
Susie Lobb, RMW | Secretary-Treasurer

Susie has been a Registered Midwife since 2010, working always in Penticton. She is a Clinical Instructor in the Department of Family Medicine at UBC. As founding member of a collaborative maternity care centre, she regularly teaches and learns alongside midwifery students, medical students, and family practice residents. She has served as Chair of the PRH Perinatal Committee and member of LMAC, and has been a longtime member of BCCNM (and formerly CMBC) Quality Assurance Committee. Her passion is facilitating confidence and comfort around the seminal event of birth. In her free time she is found with her three kids, riding her bike or skiing!
Dr. Jackie Bourdeaux| Director

Dr. Jackie Bourdeaux
Dr. Justin Lambert MD | Director

Dr. Justin Lambert is a general internist who started practicing at Penticton Regional Hospital in 2023. He completed medical school training, residency, and fellowship here in British Columbia. As part of his fellowship in general internal medicine he did additional training in geriatrics. His practice is a combination of inpatient and outpatient work based out of the South Okanagan Medical Associates clinic. Originally from the Okanagan Valley, Dr. Lambert has fond memories of floating down the river channel in Penticton with his family and climbing in the Skaha bluffs with friends. These day’s he spends most of his time biking and skiing.
Dr. Michelle Scheepers MD, FRCPC | Past President

Dr Michelle Scheepers is an Anesthesiologist practicing at Penticton Regional Hospital. Her interests are in pre-habilitation and incorporating innovative virtual platforms into clinical workflows. Michelle is a graduate of the BCPSQC Clinical Quality Academy as well as the UBC Sauder Physician Leadership Program. She is the Physician Advisor for the Interior Health Physician Quality Improvement Program. Michelle finds it very rewarding to be involved in physician led projects that can inform clinical practice changes and foster engagement and resilience by building capacity for ‘joy in work’. She is also involved in teaching in her role as a Clinical Instructor with UBC, and more recently has been pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA). Michelle and her husband own and operate a commercial apple orchard in Summerland and enjoy spending time with their two children, four cats and two dogs on the farm when they’re not at the rink playing hockey. In her spare time, Michelle paddle boards and reads!
Building meaningful physician involvement
In 2016, the Facility Engagement Initiative (FEI) was launched as a BC-wide initiative to strengthen communication, relationships and collaboration between facility-based physicians and their health authorities. Our FEI Working Group administers over $300K in annual funding, to cover time, expertise, and coordination so that physicians and health authority leaders can work together and make informed decisions about patient care, physician experience, and cost-effectiveness. The following members sit on the MSA FEI working group, representing each medical department.
- Danielle Weisgarber, President | Emergency/Family Medicine
- Alison Turnquist, Vice President | Emergency Medicine
- Susie Lobb, Secretary-Treasurer | Midwifery
- Michelle Scheepers, Past-President | Anesthesiology
- Jackie Bourdeaux, Director | CIS/Emergency Medicine
- Justin Lambert, Director | Internal Medicine
- Amieleena Chhabra | Pediatrics
- Chantelle Bowden | Psychiatry
- Carl Peters | Ophthalmology
- Bree Harris | Otorhino-Laryngology
- David Stoll | Emergency Medicine
- Jose Goncalves | Obstetrics-Gynecology
- Tom Oliver | CIS/Family Medicine
- Chad Dyck | Internal Medicine
- Majid Zolein | Pathology
- (vacant) | Radiology
- Neil Crofts | Chief of Staff, PRH
- Jen Begin | SOS Division of Family Practice
- Madeleine Csillag-Wong | Executive Director, Clinical Operations, SOK
- Tracy St. Claire | SOS Division of Family Practice
- Helen Crocker | Program Director, Facility Engagement Initiative
- Kirsty Brenneman | Program Administrator, Facility Engagement Initiative
Building knowledge that informs progress
The Interior Health Research Department offers on the ground support to physicians, clinicians and allied health professionals interested and engaged in clinical and community-based research and quality improvement work. Our Research Office (located on the 4th floor of the main pavilion) is also home to the Interior Node of the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc). A full-scale clinical research unit will also soon be operational on the 2nd floor of the main pavilion.
Advice and Support
- Research question and study design development
- Evidence review and knowledge synthesis
- Project and research ethics support
- Knowledge translation and implementation science
- Epidemiology and data analysis support
- Clinical trials research
Web Resources
- Interior Health Research page (external): interiorhealth.ca/sites/Partners/Research/Pages/default.aspx
- Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc): https://rccbc.ca/
Investing in value for our community
All PRH medical staff are required to pay annual medical dues. Medical dues are collected between April to June of each year, and go towards continuing medical education initiatives, medical staff social events, recruitment dinners, student scholarships, and more.