One voice.

Better care.


Keeping our knowledge and skills current


Building resiliency and celebrating achievements


Optimizing the function of our hospital


Growing our professional community


Unifying and strengthening member voice


Making a contribution to our community

Facility Engagement Highlight

Collaborative Tables

COLLABORATIVE TABLES are intended to foster collegiality, create space for communication, clarify roles and responsibilities, and improve workflow within or between departments at PRH and/or the health authority. This funding is intended to facilitate initial and finite discussions on non-complex problems and to provide low barrier access of funding up to $3000 to support 1-2 meetings for discussions/problems that do not require a facilitator or project manager. Funds can be used for MSA member sessional time, light meeting coordination support, snacks, brief meeting minutes.

Click here to download: Collaborative Tables Application

Facility Engagement


Optimizing the function of our hospital

Do you or any of your department members have ideas for creative solutions to ensure efficient and effective patient care and workflow processes at Penticton Regional Hospital? Facility Engagement can help!

Facility Engagement offers funding to support medical staff members to lead initiatives with meaningful impact on their work environment and patient care. To submit a project proposal click HERE